Page name: RaineDrop's page [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-12-18 01:11:51
Last author: RabidSphinx
Owner: Nevermore.
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budding artists:
Rainedrop's page!

<img:>             <img:>

These are all drawings done by me, Sarah Jean Maefs. Do NOT take any of these images without asking.

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2005-11-28 [RabidSphinx]: Thank you all! as for proportions...well mine are ALWAYS OF...but, the rules for proportions ‎are easy (one you can learn about them in any "how to draw" book) but, like, the face for ‎example is easy to remember...the eyes are one eye width apart and in the direct center of the ‎head (meaning the distance from chin to eye is the same from top of the head to eye) the pupils ‎of the eyes line up with the corners of the mouth when looking straight forward, the tops of the ‎ears line up with the corners of the eyes, the bottom of the ears line up with the corners of the ‎ on...‎

2005-11-29 [Charligirl]: wow .. thanx that will make it a li easier i think.. ill have to go practice drawing them now .. wow i sound like such a suck up-sorry!

2005-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: it's alright...if you ever want to talk about art just drop me a message, i'll give you some tips...i'm nothing great, but every little bit helps right?

2005-11-30 [Charligirl]: exactly..thanx!

2005-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: no prob...^^

2005-12-05 [Steph-O-Melon]: damn girl you can draw!! sry

2005-12-05 [RabidSphinx]:

2005-12-19 [RabidSphinx]: new drawings...yay...>< more to come...i just have to edit/clean them up some tonight and add them, like, tomorrow, maybe

2005-12-19 [Mikuru Asahina]: new drawings way cool sams hat looks eerily just lyke myn :P

2005-12-20 [Beloved Promise]: nyce drawings... wish i could stay... lata

2005-12-20 [Analeyin]: Here's to the new ones! I like Sam, Marry, and the cover best. I think I'll just steal your ability to draw noses. It might make up for me not having this talent. :D Have you ever tried playing with India Ink? You can make blacker blacks and go into washes 'n' other fun stuff... albeit it is something of a tempermental media and it hates me. Just a thought.

2005-12-20 [RabidSphinx]: yes, i have't worry dear, *whispers* it hates me too.... LOL! i have more new art! OMG! lol...i just had to fit it on a disk and bring it here today...sometimes i wish i had more than one i could fit more on it at a time...><

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: there we go, i had to reload my pictures....because they were being homosexual

2005-12-21 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Dude...*Loves the new drawings* I like the last one the most! Tis cute. *Loves X-men* ^^;

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: YAY! thanks! ^^ i love the x-men too. i love reading the comics. they always make me want to draw...^^

2005-12-21 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Heh. I also like the basics for that drawing becuse I love Gambit and Rogue!

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: they are my favorites! i was reading the Gambit Comics when i saw that picture that inspired me to draw Raine and Christian...*giggles*

2005-12-21 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *Smiles* Well you did a great job!

2005-12-21 [Loverr]: ahh i absoultly lovee your drawings! they are fantastic!

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: *blushes* thank you....i finally foind someone with a scanner, so i got to scan them...that's why there are so many new ones...>>;

2005-12-21 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Heh tis fine

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: i have more...but they are only 1/2 done

2005-12-21 [~altopia~]: Hey these are really good:)

2005-12-21 [Beloved Promise]: *steals the new ones and runs* LOVE YOU SARAH!!!!!!!! *hides in a tree*

2005-12-21 [Analeyin]: It's Pregnant-Raine smiling! 't made me happy.

2005-12-21 [Beloved Promise]: *yelps as the branch under her breaks but the drawings save her* *tackles Sarah* MYNE!! *grin* All the drawings myne too right?? *looks at you and pouts* MUAH!!

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: hey! no stealing my art! (^_-) yeah, Raine is smiling, and she is

2005-12-21 [Beloved Promise]: *pokes you* My art *grin* U said!! *pouts*

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: lol....

2005-12-28 [Analeyin]: Micron, by chance?

2005-12-28 [Beloved Promise]: *mutters slightly under her breath and pokes Ana then Sarah* Guys i hate life... at least for now... I'm waiting for a call that'll never come so i don't see the point anymore... *ponders why you care about any of this then walks out*

2005-12-29 [Analeyin]: *is poked* I'm really sorry, Celt. If I could do anything, I would...

2005-12-29 [Analeyin]: Psssst! Sarah... I'm almost done coloring your coooover! It's pretty red, all in all. You'll see.

2005-12-29 [Beloved Promise]: *dances and tackles ana and whispers* I Gotta secret!! *grin* And some pics to show you and sarah!! *dances again*

2005-12-30 [Analeyin]: *bounces while trying to dance along* There's a secret?! OOoo! Tell, tell, tell!

2005-12-30 [Beloved Promise]: *shakes her head* NO no no no no no no *dances* My Secret... *grin* You gotta find out...

2005-12-30 [Analeyin]: Aghrooo! I'm so bad at guessing... Does it have to do with a green hippo, by chance?

2005-12-30 [Beloved Promise]: O.o' NO!! *dies laughing* But it may have something to do with the purple people eater!!

2006-01-01 [RabidSphinx]: you are all odd...>>

2006-01-01 [Beloved Promise]: *pokes Sarah* sorry we were watching it with the kids... *grin* Purple People Eater... *grin*

2006-01-01 [Analeyin]: *feels very proud indeed!* Is the Purple People Eater riding the flaming red flamingo named ... er... Bob?

2006-01-01 [RabidSphinx]: ? >>'

2006-01-01 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE FECKING AMAZING AT DRAWING!!!! ::looks down in shame that i cant draw as brillaintly as you::

2006-01-01 [RabidSphinx]: wow....*smiles8 thank you....^^

2006-01-01 [Beloved Promise]: *dances in a cirlce* NOOOOOOO!! Sarah u gotta guess too!! *sits on the floor colouring the cover*

2006-01-02 [RabidSphinx]: okay...what?

2006-01-02 [Beloved Promise]: *sighs* No go look at my house!!

2006-01-02 [RabidSphinx]: baby!

2006-01-02 [Beloved Promise]: *smile* took ya long enough!! But not no more......

2006-01-02 [RabidSphinx]: :/

2006-01-09 [I_kant_spel]: omg i love your art i loolk @ it every time i get on! i love when you put new stuff up. your have a real talent.

2006-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: *smiles and blushes* thank you

2006-01-28 [Kieli]: Can I modify one of your pictures for my Gaia Online profile? I'll so totally give credit to you for the collab... ^^

2006-01-28 [RabidSphinx]: if you let me see the work and aprove it before you post it sure

2006-02-02 [Kieli]: Thanks ^_^

2006-02-04 [Lez_emo_lover]: hey i love your work it is awsome

2006-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: thank you...*blushes*

2006-02-05 [Lez_emo_lover]: lol np

2006-02-11 [Roosey]: What happened to most of your drawings? <<;

2006-02-12 [Lez_emo_lover]: ya wat did happen to them

2006-02-13 [RabidSphinx]: rob killed my website by accident for, like a day...>> i have to re-post all those pictures that were linked on my website since the address has changed so the URL is broken now...>< i'll work on that another time...i'm too lazy to do it right, like, yeah...whatever

2006-02-14 [Lez_emo_lover]: lol o ok

2006-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: i posted a new one though...>>

2006-02-15 [Lez_emo_lover]: so how long have u been drawnin

2006-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: all my life...well, since i was old enough to hold a crayon and not try and eat

2006-02-17 [Lez_emo_lover]: lol :D ya that is awsome

2006-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: i had to fix the broken URL links...and i added a dragon...^^

2006-02-17 [Analeyin]: Aww... Dragon! *lick* Acrylic, by the taste of it... am I right?

2006-03-25 [Spitfire_fae]: wow love the colored version of the cover...looks great!! And love the dragon!! *hugs dragon* I love dragons! They rock!!

2006-03-25 [RabidSphinx]: yup...that's right. it's called being bored in art class and painting on a piece of

2006-03-30 [*_*]: hun your art work is fucking kool shit

2006-03-31 [Analeyin]: Raine, did you get my e-mail?

2006-03-31 [RabidSphinx]: i don't know...what adress did you send it? i can only check my yahoo one, and i haven't checked that in like, a week

2006-04-01 [Analeyin]: That's the one I sent to, I think.

2006-04-01 [RabidSphinx]: okay...i'll check it

2006-05-19 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Dude...Kick ass drawing of the halloween thing...

2006-05-19 [RabidSphinx]: oh, thank you...^^ it isn't my favorite, but i felt like colouring something

2006-05-19 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: ^^ You did a very good job! Sharpies are fun. Heh. *needs to get more*

2006-05-19 [RabidSphinx]: they are, but the paper i was using bled alot, so it was hard

2006-05-19 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: yeah. The paper I use does taht when I use my sharpies too... Its evil...Especally when you actualy LIKE the drawing for once...-.-

2006-05-19 [RabidSphinx]: yeah. my trick is i scan my drawing before i colour ir, print up a few, then colour those. that way if i mess up i can just start over...^^

2006-05-20 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Hmm.. Good idea! *Wished she had done that on her last drawing*

2006-05-20 [RabidSphinx]: yeah...i didn't do it on that one, but i do it on most of my drawings because i like to keep a copy uncoloured so i can have the possibility of sending it to someone to colour it for me...^^

2006-05-20 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: XD

2006-05-20 [Beloved Promise]: *steals more of Sarah's art and runs off giggling*

2006-05-20 [RabidSphinx]: i have 2 new ones now...i drew them just last should recognize them since they are re-dos...

2006-05-20 [Beloved Promise]: *tackles Sarah* My art too still right?? You promiseded!! :D I lovers your art and lovers you!! *dances in circles*

2006-05-20 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha...glad you like them. i'm working on my site now, posting new descriptions to all my art and putting them in new

2006-05-20 [Beloved Promise]: You should

2006-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: yup...been working on's alot of work

2006-05-21 [*_*]: hey hun omg your art i love so how have u been

2006-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: shitty. i have more new art though

2006-05-21 [*_*]: why shitty yay

2006-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: my daddy left this morning for Afghanistan. i wont see him for a year.. :(

2006-05-21 [*_*]: aww hugs u i am sorry

2006-05-21 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Aww.. That sucks.. I wish your daddy luck then Sarah (that is your name right?)

2006-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: yup. that's my name...and thank you...*hugs*

2006-05-21 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *hugs back* No worries. I got friends in Afghanistan that've been there for a while. My best friends dad might be sent out. Dunno yet. But no worries. I'm sure your Daddy will be fine ^^

2006-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: yeah. i just miss him is all

2006-05-21 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: That is 100% understandable. If my Daddy went away, I'd miss him too.

2006-05-21 [Beloved Promise]: *huggles Sarah* Lovells you but your new piccys aren't showing up... and i hope ur daddy has good luck...

2006-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, i know, i have to fix this wiki after changing some stuff on my website i broke a bunch of URLs

2006-05-21 [Beloved Promise]: tay just makin sure...

2006-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: they are all on my website if you want to see them better with better descriptions

2006-05-21 [Beloved Promise]: tay thankies

2006-05-22 [MentalCase999]: OMG! i love your draws chick you have real talent!

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]:, thanks. i was actually about to go through this wiki and take down alotof the crapy ones and make this place less WHAO huge

2006-05-22 [Zombiie Natiion]: dudette your art werk is so blindin its unreal!!!!!! tis foookin awesomeness XD TO THE MAX CHICKADEE!!!! hehe listen, ive been looking for a decent artist to try and draw a portrait of me.. and i would sure LOVE you to be that artist... pritty please with a cherry ontop? i eamn your the only person apart from myself (on good days hehe;P ) who draws in that comic style.. have a think about it and get back to me will ya chickadee? xxxxx extreme!!!

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i have never been any good at drawing real people as comics...they never look how they are supposed to look... :(

2006-05-22 [Zombiie Natiion]: no seriously dude i would be so greatful if you did... i mean just you know go with it.. it doesnt have to look exactly like me... id just be happy to have you try :) like with your awesomeness art skills n such

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: well, i'll think about it

2006-05-22 [Zombiie Natiion]: coooooolio

2006-05-23 [RabidSphinx]: i just started an DeviantArt account....

2006-05-23 [Zombiie Natiion]: hey is your book available to read online?

2006-05-23 [RabidSphinx]: yes it is. it is on and my website

2006-05-23 [Zombiie Natiion]: thanks!

2006-05-23 [RabidSphinx]: no problem...enjoy...

2006-05-23 [Zombiie Natiion]: hey chickadee tis me again!!! hehe i bet your tired of reading my posts... lol anyways i was just wondering if youd given any tought to the picture i requested from you??

2006-05-23 [RabidSphinx]: i'm still thinking about it. like, i have art i have to draw for a contest on my website, some for a gift for a friend that is always photoshoping my stuff, and i want to attempt a drawing of The Angel from x-men, so really, i have a lot on my to-do list, but i am still considering youur idea...i just have to see how i feel and what exactly i would be drawing and what-not

2006-05-23 [Zombiie Natiion]: ok then :)

2006-05-23 [RabidSphinx]: ^^

2006-05-24 [Analeyin]: Howdie doo! Did you get my e-mail?

2006-05-24 [Beloved Promise]: will y'all go to the hk angel and leave comments please???

2006-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: yeah! i did! it so cool how she is so many different colours! may i post them all on my fan-art gallery?

2006-05-24 [Analeyin]: SURE! I have them all in one BIG Raine *.jpg if you want it. I posted it in my DeviantArt. I hope that's alright!

2006-05-24 [Never Felt So Swell]: Your art in incredible.

2006-05-24 [RabidSphinx]: i'm on DeviantART too now...^^ TheRaineDrop

2006-05-25 [Analeyin]: Okay. I was still linking people to RaineMalfoy (@devArt). I'll go change that. Squee!

2006-05-25 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, i'm therainedrop now

2006-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: I've missed you Sarah..... You never wrote

2006-06-03 [RabidSphinx]: excuse me?

2006-06-03 [Ultra Hunger]: Man Cans: I've missed you Sarah..... You never wrote

2006-06-03 [RabidSphinx]: i thought i hated you and blocked you...why would i write to you?

2006-06-03 [Ultra Hunger]: you "thought" you hated me? so does that mean you "thought" you might like me too?

2006-06-03 [RabidSphinx]: nope. i hate you. what do you want?

2006-06-03 [Ultra Hunger]: well theirs ones thing you have to understand about me Sarah. I never hold a grudge. I always forgive and forget. It may take months and may take hours. but I always come back with hugs and flowers

2006-06-03 [Ultra Hunger]: OMG you know what the best stuff one earth is? Black Cherry Naturally flavored Sparkling Water. its so scrum diddly. and 0 calories

2006-06-03 [RabidSphinx]: uh-huh...except you still have me blocked....

2006-06-03 [Ultra Hunger]: yeah I haven't been here for months. i kinda sorta forget how to do stuff. took me like an hour to remeber how to do this [Ultra Hunger] and this Bold

2006-06-03 [RabidSphinx]: okay then....

2006-06-03 [Ultra Hunger]: I just figured it out. Duh it was their in front of me all the time. your unblocked.

2006-06-03 [Ultra Hunger]: I acatually came back because Iw anted to talk to you about something. its kinda a touching topic and I'd rather not talk about it here. I've tried talking about it with otehr people but noone is their for me who will understand. not even my own sister.

2006-06-03 [RabidSphinx]: well fine, talk to me about just seems odd to go to some stranger you met online, hated, tried to get banned, and blocked, for help....

2006-06-03 [Ultra Hunger]: hunny, I never tried to get you banned.

2006-06-03 [RabidSphinx]: sure you didn't.

2006-06-03 [Ultra Hunger]: I don't wanna go down that road again. akuna ma-ta-ta. right I unblocked you and sent you a message.

2006-06-03 [RabidSphinx]: "Hakuna Matata"

2006-06-19 [eyes of frost]: Hey Raine can I post this one on artistic nudity> <img150*0:> I really like it and want to post it, so can I ??? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE????

2006-06-19 [RabidSphinx]: i hate that picture...>_< but, mu, sure...go ahead i guess...i'm a member there

2006-06-19 [eyes of frost]: Yay! *goes to post* I know you're a member. :) But I am doing a little art check and going through and posting what I think is good. :)

2006-06-20 [Marishka]: I love your art ^^

2006-06-20 [kittykittykitty]: Good idea [eyes of frost] :) I like that one too

2006-06-20 [RabidSphinx]: yall are crazy

2006-06-20 [eyes of frost]: It is a nice picture of a pregnant woman and her husband. I think you should do more like it. :) And thank you Sarah.

2006-06-21 [RabidSphinx]: i have a few planned, but i can't draw things out of my takes about 9327459724908675 tries...>_< i will do my best, to please you.. :P

2006-07-03 [AnimeSiren]: I love the art from the sequel!

2006-07-04 [RabidSphinx]: oh, thank you...^_^

2006-07-05 [eyes of frost]: Grarg...Raine...think you could make this into 2 pages? It takes me FOREVER to load. lol.

2006-07-05 [RabidSphinx]: i'm deleting most of them soon, so no worries

2006-07-05 [eyes of frost]: NOOOOOO Don't delete! What are you thinking????

2006-07-05 [eyes of frost]: Oh, and I want to color some of your art. Hope you don't mind...PLEASEEEE????

2006-07-07 [RabidSphinx]: yup...go ahead...i encurage it actually, so long as i can post it on my "fan art" section on my website. andf i'm just deleting the older crap i hate

2006-07-08 [eyes of frost]: Don't delete anything! Just move it to a page like, "The old art Raine hates" or something...

2006-07-08 [RabidSphinx]: naw...going's all still up on if you miss it once it's gone from here

2006-07-09 [eyes of frost]: So...erm...Al;l of your work will still be there but it won't all be here?

2006-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: Dah

2006-07-11 [eyes of frost]: Okidokey!


Teh Rachel person is requesting a Chibi from teh Raine person! The chibi she wants is a chibi of...HERSELF!! Buahaha.

2006-07-12 [Elf_Person]: YOU R SO GOOD

2006-07-13 [RabidSphinx]: thank you..... :(

2006-07-20 [~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: wow...your art is like....amazing....I've never seen such detail >< but then again, according to some, I live with my head up my ass :) XD

2006-07-21 [RabidSphinx]: it happens

2006-07-23 [eyes of frost]: You took it all off???

2006-07-23 [~Cerys~Cymraeg~]: O_O;;;

2006-07-24 [kittykittykitty]: I'm sorry you felt the need to remove everything Rainedrop :( I really like your art

2006-07-31 [RabidSphinx]: my art gallery on my website is down because it was being spammed for no apprent reason by someone i do not know and so now it is closed to everyone. since my art is all direct linked from there, they are dead here, but i hate my art anyways, so this is no loss

2006-08-01 [eyes of frost]: GAAAHHHH!!!! *gags Raine and hides her in a closet then goes in search of a way to bring back the art*

2006-08-02 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *pokes* All you have to do is click on the 'Previous version' button. They're still on those pages.

2006-08-02 [RabidSphinx]: that is true, but don't do that...

2006-08-02 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: i cant see any of your lufferly drawings ;_; where are they?

2006-08-02 [kittykittykitty]: Read a few comments above yours :)

2006-08-02 [RabidSphinx]: no drawings....just drop it.

2006-08-03 [eyes of frost]: *sniffles*

2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: there is some up, quit pouting...i do not know why the images wont work, they are all the right address and the right image tag...they just won't open for some reason

2006-08-03 [Analeyin]: They won't work because DeviantArt is set up to prevent hotlinking.

2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: ah. that would explain it. those faggots.

2006-08-03 [eyes of frost]: Crackers...

2006-08-03 [kittykittykitty]: Yay! Some of the art is back :D RD why not upload these directly to EP? I think DA must be having server troubles right now and I can only see the one that is uploaded to photobucket :(

2006-08-04 [RabidSphinx]: i cannot upload them to Ep because i have never donated

2006-08-04 [RabidSphinx]: there, some of them are back

2006-08-04 [kittykittykitty]: I don't think yo uneed to donate, you already have the right privs. I shall send you the instruction message for how to do it now in case you were never sent one... and anyone can use the 'upload a folder of images' feature I think :)

2006-08-04 [RabidSphinx]: oh, i guess i do have them..heh, imagin that. thank you...there, pictures up and, um, smexy looking

2006-08-04 [kittykittykitty]: Yep... they're looking good ^__^ I love the cheerleader... and she looks amazing when she's coloured

2006-08-04 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, thank my friend Wendy for that...the little prick, she is 16 and all talented and shit...makes me want to hit her repeatedly.. >_<

2006-08-04 [eyes of frost]: YAY!!! *dances* Pictures...WOOT!

2006-08-06 [RabidSphinx]: yay, the excitement.........

2006-08-07 [Loverr]: i lovee the new pictures :]

2006-08-07 [RabidSphinx]: um, thanks

2006-08-15 [Star * Shine]: OMG!!! You're art work is amazing. I enjoyed it.

2006-08-16 [RabidSphinx]: thank you

2006-08-28 [Voodoo Child]: wow, they are really amazing, you should be really proud of your work..there fantastic.

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